…helping children reclaim their childhoods November 15, 2015 Dear Friends of PfP, Our website was hacked the day after we sent our annual letter appeal. We had such a time getting (and keeping) the website back up, but it seems to be okay now. We hope. So we’re sending out the same letter again. 🙂 In 2015, PfP built seven playgrounds in Palestine, serving an estimated 4,500 children in different villages. We also launched a Play Therapy program in Gaza and built an amphitheatre in Mashjar Juthour. In 2016, Al Yasmin Society playground for children with disabilities is our top priority, now that the center is nearly complete. It has been our great privilege, thanks to you, to witness the joy these playgrounds inspire in young lives. This holiday season, we honor and celebrate their childhoods, all of them. And we bring you the names of three little boys …