Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting to know each other, consulting with children about what they want to get out of


This playground is a gift from the Saad family in memory of Edward Theodore Saad. Architect. Humanist. Palestinian. Al Frer (De La Salle) is a private school in Bethlehem established in 1893. The school has 1118 students and has an equal number of Christian and Muslim students. The playground will serve preschool through grade 4- approximately 400 students and would be open to the community in the summer time. Thank you to the Saad family for their generosity and love.

Movie Nights

The community LOVES movie nights! susan abulhawa brought a projector to Gaza when she went there and it has been a huge hit. PfP staff charge it by day, and by evening, the projector offers a small sense of normalcy and escape for people trying to survive genocide.

EID 2024 Festivities in Gaza

Eid festivities in Gaza lasted all day. PfP made and served date kaak to the community and held activities throughout the day with children. There was face painting, dancing, music and more. You can see below that everyone, especially the children, had a wonderful time and made positive memories in the midst of these terrible times. Please support PfP’s efforts to continue serving the children in Gaza with activities like these. You can donate using the link below. Or you can support us by buying AIDA products, where 100% of the proceeds are used to support

Continuing to uplift our children in Gaza

PfP hired musicians and storytellers, along with a therapist, to visit hospitals to bring some joy to recovering children and adults alike. Children with particular psychological needs were identified and the therapist has followed up with them. Families told us how important these activities feel to them. So, thank you to everyone supporting these activities.

Beit Liqia Playground

PfP is proud to announce the completion of the Beit Liqia playground, made possible by a generous donation from Abboud family. It sits on a 3000 sqm plot of land in Area C belonging to the Beit Liqia Municipality, with the Sports Club participating in the management and maintenance of the playground.  It is used by the village and surrounding villages with a combined population of more than 20,000 people.

Children Getting Arrested

Like elsewhere in the West Bank, childhood for the youth of Nabi Saleh is anything but normal. For many here, it’s not a matter of if they’ll get arrested, but when. Because of that, the adults in the village organize regular training sessions where they simulate the experience of getting arrested, detained, and interrogated to teach the children their rights and what to expect. During her hours long interrogation, Ahed remained silent refusing to even say

a child in the midst of genocide…

“I feel like it would be better if I died with my mom. It is better. I’d rather not see this suffering and pain that I’m witnessing. I mean everyone I valued and loved is gone.” This little girl speaks to the condition of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children traumatized beyond our imaginations. “this is a child. when will this be stopped?” user pikedum writes in the comments.

Some of PfP’s efforts in Gaza

PfP continues to fund relief efforts for children in Gaza. Following a $20,000 donation to the Cairo Red Crescent for medical equipment, PfP has arranged for the distribution of flour, cooking oil, and clothing for children. We are also continuing to sponsor psychological first aid for children who are experiencing unimaginable trauma. Studies show that early intervention is crucial to long term psychological outcomes, and we’re doing all we can to be a force of healing and sustenance in a time of genocide and nefarious collusion of the rich and powerful against a defenseless Indigenous society. PfP also supported a kite-making and flying psychological intervention for kids in Rafah. Your support makes meaningful initiatives like these possible.  And we have been distributing kits in Southern Gaza in collaboration with Al Najat Charity. We remain grateful for all your support during this time. Free Palestine

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