Dear Friends of PfP,
In 2015, PfP built seven playgrounds in Palestine, serving an estimated 4,500 children in different villages. We also launched a Play Therapy program in Gaza and built an amphitheatre in Mashjar Juthour. In 2016, Al Yasmin Society playground for children with disabilities is our top priority, now that the center is nearly complete.
It has been our great privilege, thanks to you, to witness the joy these playgrounds inspire in young lives.
This holiday season, we honor and celebrate their childhoods, all of them. And we bring you the names of three little boys in particular who touched us all deeply.
Abdulrahman Obeidallah
This holiday appeal is dedicated to the memory of 14 year old Abdulrahman.
The pictures here were taken of him enjoying Aida’s new playground in August this year.
Abdulrahman loved Real Madrid. His favorite movies were Despicable Me and Home Alone. His favorite place was the playground you helped us build in Aida.
Less than two months after these photos were taken, on October 5th, Israeli snipers shot and killed Abdulrahman while he was walking home from school.
We are deeply saddened and outraged by his murder. PfP plans to build a new addition to the Aida playground, to be dedicated to Abdulrahman in a ceremony with his family.

Kenan and Saden
Meet brothers Kenan (6 years old) and Saden (4 years old). They’re from the village of Budrus and both have hearing loss. On opening day for the village’s new playground, they spent hours playing together, never leaving each other’s side, and roaming hand-in-hand most of the time.
Each was the other’s guide and protector. It was humbling and beautiful to witness the way they care for one another and how much PfP’s playground meant to them. We wanted to share that with you, so you can get a glimpse of what your generosity produces and inspires.

We send you love and the joy of play this holiday and always. We are so grateful to you for continuing to be part of our PfP family.
Love and Gratitude,
