Dinner with Chef Anan Zahr

The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew invites you to a Palestinian Benefit Dinner with Chef Anan Zahr on Sunday, July 22nd, 3 PM to 6 PM. The dinner is co-sponsored by: Delaware Episcopalians for Middle East Peace, Delaware Churches for Middle East Peace, and Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew 719 N. Shipley St. Wilmington, DE 19801 Purchase …

PfP SkateQilya featured on NBC News

From NBC News:  The following article on SkateQilya, a project sponsored by PfP, appeared on NBC online SEP 2 2017, 5:30 AM ET Skateboarding Camp Helps Palestinians See Beyond West Bank Walls by PETRA CAHILL and LAWAHEZ JABARI Abdullah Milhem takes to the air on a ramp at SkateQilya in the West Bank. Adam Abel / NBC News QALQILYA, West Bank — Residents in this Palestinian city never see the sunset; Israel’s imposing security wall blocks the view towards the west, and much else. Now, a skateboarding summer camp in Qalqilya is helping kids to see a new horizon. “When you get on the skateboard, you don’t think about all the problems you have. All you’re focused on is that you have to stay on the board and not fall,” said Abdullah Milhem, a 17-year-old from Qalqilya who first picked up a …

Thank You! Annual Gala Recap

All of us at PfP would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended and supported our annual gala this year.  We are grateful to our fabulous and very funny emcee, Amer Zahr, who kept the evening both lighthearted and substantive. Speakers Adam Abel and Kenny Reed spoke at length about the SkateQilya project that PfP continues to fund in order to establish and proliferate skateboarding as a viable …

Silent Auction Items

We’re so excited about this year’s gala! Our silent auction has been one a staple of all our annual fundraisers and as many of you have often requested that we preview the auction items, we’ve decided to give a sneak peek at some of them, below.

You’re Invited!

  Dear Friends This is a reminder to get your ‘Early Bird’ tickets for PfP’s annual gala, if you haven’t already done so. The Early Bird price is what we pay per person for the space, food, AV, and entertainment. We’re very excited about our 16th Annual Gala, where we renew our commitment to Palestinian children and show you all we’ve done in the past year. As always, we will offer delicious Middle Eastern food, informative presentations about our work, beautiful music, a fabulous silent auction, …

Save The Date

What: PfP’s Annual Gala Where: Material Culture 4700 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19144 When: April 8, 2017     Jan.8, 2017 Dear Friends, As we begin our 17th year together, PfP is working hard to plan for our annual gala. We hope you will mark your calendar to join us on April 8th at Material …

A Glance Back, As 2017 Nears

December 24, 2016 Dear Friends Just a note to wish you and your family a Joyful Holiday, and to give you a glimpse of a few things you helped make possible. On December 2nd in Palestine, PfP dedicated a playground in memory of two young boys, one Palestinian, one African American, whose lives were ended, ultimately, by institutional racism. Rev. Graylan Hagler, who was there with a group of pastors from the United Church of Christ, performed the dedication together with Mr. Salah Ajarma, PfP’s Palestine representative. You can find coverage here. As a reminder, we remain an all-volunteer organization that operates on what most would call a “shoestring budget”. This is, and has always been, a labor of love for us. And we hope we can count on …

PfP Dedicates Playground to Two Fallen Boys

On December 2, 2016, Playgrounds for Palestine dedicated a playground to two boys, one African American and one Palestinian, who were killed, ultimately by institutional racism. Tamir Rice was killed by police in Cleveland, Ohio, as he played in a park.  Abdurrahman Obeidallah was killed by an Israeli sniper as he walked home from school.  Both boys were 12 years old. A monument in their memory was erected at the Lajee Center, where PfP built a new playground.  The Reverend Graylan Hagler, together with a group of pastors from the United Church of Christ, participated in the ceremony.  They were in Palestine as a delegation of church leaders coming to bear witness. Salah Ajarma, PfP’s Palestine representative and Director of Lajee Center, made …

Do you shop on Amazon?

Dear PfP friends, If you shop Amazon.com, please consider using this link to select Playgrounds for Palestine as your charity of choice because Amazon will donate 0.5% of receipts. You only have to select it once. Click on the image or the link below. http://smile.amazon.com/ref=smi_ext_fbp_lds_smi

SkateQilya Update

PfP has partnered with a skate boarding camp for boys and girls in Qalqilya by donating the cost of ramp repairs as well as purchasing additional helmets and skateboards beyond what was donated by skateboarding companies. Take a look at all the amazing fun and priceless smiles!

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting to know each other,

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My contribution makes me happy for the cause, and is inspired by my friends, Holly and Scudder, who are getting married.