Our Youngest Fundraisers!!

Meet the youngest members of our Playgrounds for Palestine fundraising team! Adam and Milan generously donated their birthday money – over $2,000!!!- to PfP so that Palestinian children living under military occupation could regain their right to play! PfP is proud to be honoring them at our March 29th Gala! Thank you Adam and Milan for your thoughtful gift!

2014 Fundraiser

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods February 2014 Get Your Tickets for PfP’s Annual Dinner Fundraiser! Playgrounds for Palestine will hold it’s annual fundraiser dinner on March 29th, 2014,   at UPenn’s Hall of Flags in Philadelphia, PA. We are very excited to share another evening of community with our supporters, where we will show you photos from our latest builds in Palestine.   Our feature performer is Farah Siraj, a Jordanian virtuoso whose career spans three continents.  She has performed at some of the world’s most prestigious platforms, including the United Nations, Nobel Prize Hall, the World Economic Forum, MTV, Coke Studio,  Good Morning …

New Playground at Tomorrow’s Youth Organization in Nablus

Hello friends of PfP, Please check out these beautiful pictures of our new playground at Tomorrow’s Youth Organization in Nablus, Palestine. Thank you to all our team members who make the construction of these playgrounds possible through your donations and fundraising! https://www.facebook.com/tomorrowsyouth/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10152254040066563

Yoga from the Heart – to PfP

Many Thanks to Children of Gaza/ Niños de Gaza for the Yoga Workshop they held to benefit Playgrounds for Palestine! We are eternally grateful to all of the members of our fundraising team! Together we can help Palestinian children living under military occupation regain their right to play! Please check out these beautiful pictures and get inspired! Yoga workshops, crocheting parties, rainbow loom demos… the PfP fundraising opportunities are endless! https://www.facebook.com/groups/215420375258745/permalink/419984621468985/

Sports Court at Jeel Al Amar

Thanks to our generous donors, Playgrounds for Palestine was able to partner with Jeel Al Amal school in Bethany, East Jerusalem to build the school a sports court. Jeel Al Amal is a boy’s home accommodating 100 orphaned Palestinian boys. They are educated at Jeel Al Amal primary co-ed school together with 250 girls. Your support allows PfP to continue our work building playgrounds and recreation areas for Palestinian children living under military occupation. To make a donation, please visit our firstgiving page:https://www.firstgiving.com/playgroundsforpalestine And don’t forget to share our page and our mission. Many thanks for your continued support!

Update on Lajee Center’s PfP Playground

Hello friends of PfP, Please enjoy these pictures of the Lajee Center’s PfP playground that is being built thanks to your support, our friends at the Lajee Center, andplayground architect Sam Kornhauser, who has generously donated his time and expertise to PfP. Lajee Center (‘lajee’ means ‘refugee’ in Arabic), was established in Aida Refugee Camp in April 2000 by a group of 11 young people from the Camp who wanted to serve the community. Lajee is a community-based grassroots creative cultural centre that works with new generations of Palestinians as they continue their ongoing struggle for justice and rights for …

2013 Olive Oil

  Can’t see images? Click here to view in browser    From all of us at PfP  Happy Holidays!     Looking for gift to give this holiday? Consider Palestinian Olive Oil! Certified Organic, Fair Trade, and Delicious New Harvest.     This fair trade Palestinian olive oil is from Jerusalem and the West Bank. All proceeds from our olive oil sales go toward building more playgrounds and upholding The Right to Play for children in Palestine.   Both types of Olive Oil come either in an elegant 500 mL bottle or a 1 L tin:   RUMI: Rumi olive oil has a …

Novels that steal narratives

hi Friends. I don’t usually send out essays I publish, but hope you will forgive me for this exception. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2013/11/almond-tree-when-novels-distort-legacies-struggle-20131114102216116623.html Warmly, susie

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting to know each other, consulting with children about what they want to get out of the school, how they want to decorate the space, and assessing their skills and abilities. It was decided to name the school:

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Enjoy, laugh, play! Our donation is for the children of Palestine in memory of our beloved friend, Marita Boullata.  Marita lived in Palestinian in her early marriage. She championed its land, culture and people, especially children.