Sports Court at Jeel Al Amar

Thanks to our generous donors, Playgrounds for Palestine was able to partner with Jeel Al Amal school in Bethany, East Jerusalem to build the school a sports court.
Jeel Al Amal is a boy’s home accommodating 100 orphaned Palestinian boys. They are educated at Jeel Al Amal primary co-ed school together with 250 girls.

Your support allows PfP to continue our work building playgrounds and recreation areas for Palestinian children living under military occupation.
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Many thanks for your continued support!

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Movie Nights

The community LOVES movie nights! susan abulhawa brought a projector to Gaza when she went there and it has been a huge hit. PfP staff charge it by day, and by evening, the projector offers a small sense of normalcy and escape for people trying to survive genocide.

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This donation, our first to PfP, is to honor the children that see beyond conflict, and remind us to be ever present.