More good news . . .

William Sutcliffe, author of ‘The Wall’ (a novel about a young boy enchanted with a girl on the other side of the wall dividing Palestine and Israel), has also agreed to be a patron of our charity. Thank you so much William.

April 2015

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods April 2015 2015 Gala Was Wonderful!  Thank you to all our supporters for another wonderful annual gala! This was one of our most successful (in terms of money raised). The event was held at the Sheraton Hotel in University City, Philadelphia, a new venue for us that turned out to be perfect, and not just because parking …

March 2015 Newsletter – Last Call

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods March 2015 Dear Friends, We hope to see you on Saturday! We will showcase our projects for 2015, including five new playgrounds and the long awaited Gaza Play Therapy project, which has finally gotten underway. The fabulous  Amer Zahr  will be our emcee for the evening, which will include a four-course meal, presentations, silent auction, awards, and the amazing Alwaan Dance Troupe. We are asking that eveyone please purchase your tickets early this year to help us control costs by having an accurate …

March 2015 Newsletter – Gala Invite

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods March 2015 Please join us! We will showcase our projects for 2015, including five new playgrounds and the long awaited Gaza Play Therapy project, which has finally gotten underway. The fabulous  Amer Zahr  will be our emcee for the evening, which will include a four-course meal, presentations, silent auction, awards, and the amazing Alwaan Dance Troupe. We are asking that eveyone please purchase your tickets early this year to …


Playgrounds for Palestine, a Pennsylvania-based children’s rights organization, learned today that one of the play spaces it created in the Aida Refugee Camp was tear-gassed while it was full of children engaged in play. According to Al Jazeera Stream, Israel is the alleged culprit. Further, this is not the first time that Israeli military occupation forces have fired into the Aida refugee camp. On February 8, 2015, around 3:30 pm, Aida’s CCTV showed children, some clearly very young, playing on the slides, swings, and climbing structures when a tear gas canister was fired in their midst. The footage then shows chaos, as children …

February 2015 Newsletter

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods February 2015 Save The Date! PfP’s annual dinner fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 28, at the Sheraton in Philadlephia University City.   Our Theme this year is “Be A Part Of The Harvest“ We will showcase our projects for 2015, including five new playgrounds and the long awaited Gaza Play Therapy project, which has finally gotten underway. The fabulous  Amer Zahr  will be our emcee for the evening, which will include a four-course meal, presentations, silent auction, awards, entertainment, dabke, raffle, and more. We are asking that eveyone please purchase your tickets early this year to help us control costs by having an accurate estimate of attendance.  We are offering Free …

December 2014 Newsletter

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods December 2014 This Holiday, Give The Gift of Olive Oil . If you’re still looking for the perfect gift, consider ordering a case of PfP Fair Trade, USDA Certified Organic Palestinian Olive Oil. Both the Rumi and Nabali olive oils come in elegant 500 mL bottles or beautiful IL tin cans.  Click here to place your order. Another Way To Give, Without Giving! Just designate PfP as your 501c3 nonprofit organization of choice, and Amazon will donate a portion of your what you buy there to PfP. Save The Date! PfP’s annual dinner fundraiser will be held on March 28, 2015 …

2014 Holiday Appeal

      Playgrounds for Palestine December 3, 2014 Dear Fellow Playground Builder, In this season of love, thankfulness, and new beginnings, we are reaching out to you to help us honor the people of Gaza, celebrate their glorious history, and look to their courageous heritage as an example for all of us. Gaza has long been a place of cultural exchange and a beacon of innovation, and there is much to learn from a people who are able to maintain a sense of hope and integrity even in the face of unimaginable adversity. More than a year ago, Playgrounds for Palestine began a partnership in Gaza to establish a program of therapeutic play through which children in need of psychological support could engage in organized play therapy. This program, run locally by Palestinian mental health professionals, is needed now more than ever.  We invite …

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting to know each other, consulting with children about what they want to get out of the school, how they want to decorate the space, and assessing their skills and abilities. It was decided to name the school: Phoenix Elementary. مدرسةالعنقاء As you can see, the kids were over the moon to be in a classroom after their lives were turned upside down. Grades 1-4 are focused on Arabic, English, math, and science, while grade 5 (along with anyone in grade 4 who wants) will solely focus on

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Enjoy, laugh, play! Our donation is for the children of Palestine in memory of our beloved friend, Marita Boullata.  Marita lived in Palestinian in her early marriage. She championed its land, culture and people, especially children.