Aida Kids Express Their Thanks..

The amazing kids from the Aida refugee camp showing major love to our beautiful board member and founder of PfP, Susan Abulhawa. “Who brings happiness for the children, all the borders will open for him.” Bless you children and bless all our donors for supporting these projects!!

July 2015 Newsletter

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods July 2015 Dear Friends of PfP, We’re happy to report that we just completed the installation of three playgrounds, two of which were ready in time for the Eid celebrations. We’d like to share with you some photos and a letter we received from Lajee Center, in the Aida Refugee Camp, one of the locations of a new playground and family garden.   With love, PfP Aida’s Lajee Center We were very touched to receive the following letter, and we want to share it with you, our supporters who make it all happen! Dear Playground for Palestine, On …

Aida Phase II

Last year PfP funded the creation of a landscaped space for play and recreation; and this year we returned with a beautiful play system, installation beginning July 10th, 2015

June 2015 Newsletter

  …helping children reclaim their childhoods June 2015 Dear Friends of PfP, We’ve been very busy the past few months and have some exciting news.  We have procured excellent equipment for SEVEN new playgrounds, which will be installed in SIX locations throughout the West Bank.  We are scrambling right now to have them all ready in time for for the Eid holiday. We’re so excited about these playgrounds and hope to have pictures of the installed versions, with children enjoying them, by Eid on July 17th. …

PfP in the News!

About Playgrounds for Palestine: Susan Abulhawa Susan Abulhawa on Deutsche Welle Radio

Opening Day at Mashjar Juthour!!

PfP is proud to support this wonderful initiative for children.  Read their report about their opening day and see their photos.

PfP Builds Amphitheater at Mashjar Juthour

PfP is proud and excited to partner with Mashjar Juthour, “a natural reserve that provides much needed space for cultivating the trees of Palestine while also reminding our community of our very basic and necessary relationship to nature.” The land encompasses a large hill called Juthour, meaning roots, and it is through this space that the community is invited “to remember that we are a people of this land and our relationship to trees must become a more important part of today and our future.” PfP is sponsoring ongoing workshops that aim to connect children with local flora and to impart indigenous botanical knowledge. We also funded the construction of an amphitheater, which was recently showcased on Opening Day, …

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting to know each other, consulting with children about what they want

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This donation, our first to PfP, is to honor the children that see beyond conflict, and remind us to be ever present.