Save the Date!! April 3, 2010


. . . helping children reclaim their childhoods

February 2010 Newsletter
 SAVE THE DATE!  PfP’s Annual Fundraiser Dinner on April 3rd!
It’s that time of the year again when all of us gather in one place to share an evening of  community, good food, LAUGHTER, good entertainment, and, best of all, the affirmation of our commitment to uphold the Right to Play for children in Palestine and refugee camps  elsewhere. This year, we will be returning to the University of Pennsylvania’s Hall of Flags in Houston Hall, and we hope you will join us.
Philly’s very own, very funny, very entertaining



Of the  comedy tour, the NY Arab-American Comedy Festival, the 1001 Laughs comedy tour, and countless comedy clubs around the country

Click HERE for more information

 Arroub playground is now open! YAY!!
(Heather & Armen’s Playground)
Thank you Lake Shore Baptist Church!
Arroub, our first locally manufactured playground, is finally built!!  We are so proud to let you know that Heather and Armen’s Playground,
built by contributions in lieu of wedding presents, is already being
put to good use by the kids.  It will be officially opened in

May when we will have a ribbon-cutting ceremony with special guests
Heather & Armen and a day of fun activities for local children.

Click HERE to read more.

All of us at PfP would like extend a HUGE thanks to the Bike-A-Thon children at Lake Shore Baptist Church for raising $730 toward a PfP playground! We so appreciate all the gifts and donations we receive, but
when it involves kids and the kind of servic
e project, education and
generosity that were described in their letter to us, we are particularly grateful.
click HERE to read more


Olive Oil, of course! What we’re up to in the meantime…

 We are delighted that word is spreading and more and more people are hosting
olive oil parties.  One taste of our Palestine’s Fair Trade Extra Virgin Olive Oil is all you need to understand why people keep coming back for more!! 

Give it a try. Order a case of olive oil online or host a party and taste the nectar of an ancient people from a timeless place. Order HERE.
or email: [email protected]

Construction of playgrounds in Silwad and Jenin are already underway and two more playgrounds will be manufactured in  March for Silwan and Gaza locations.

We can’t share too many details yet but we’re also excited to be collaborating with mental health NGOs on a project that will implement a  new program of Play Therapy in Gaza.




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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting

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My contribution makes me happy for the cause, and is inspired by my friends, Holly and Scudder, who are getting married.