Nathan Dannison’s Ministry for a Playground in Bethlehem

I am a graduate student in the M.Div. program at Chicago Theological Seminary and I also work as the director of Outreach Ministries for a large, congregationalist church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Ever since I became “politically aware” in high school the Isreali / Palestinian conflagration has deeply troubled me. In my adult life I

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting

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“After the ‘Cast lead’ attack on Gaza, PfP shared a video of the kids finally able to go outside where there still stood a (PfP) playground.  It still brings tears to think about the joy of those kids swarming the playground…  It really brought home the great work PfP does. “