Hedy Epstein

It is with great sadness to learn that Hedy Epstein, a dear friend of Palestine, is gravely ill. All of us at Playgrounds for Palestine extend love and warmth to Hedy and her family. PfP was approached by Hedy’s closest friends who would like to dedicate a playground in celebration of Hedy’s life. Below is

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Movie Nights

The community LOVES movie nights! susan abulhawa brought a projector to Gaza when she went there and it has been a huge hit. PfP staff charge it by day, and by evening, the projector offers a small sense of normalcy and escape for people trying to survive genocide.

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“After the ‘Cast lead’ attack on Gaza, PfP shared a video of the kids finally able to go outside where there still stood a (PfP) playground.  It still brings tears to think about the joy of those kids swarming the playground…  It really brought home the great work PfP does. “