Save the Date!! March 31st, 2012


. . . helping children reclaim their childhood 

January 2012
 SAVE THE DATE!  PfP’s Annual Fundraiser Dinner on March 31st!
Save the Date: March 31st for Our 11th Annual Fundraising Dinner 

It’s that time of the year again when all of us gather in one place to share an evening of community, delicious food, LAUGHTER, good entertainment, and, best of all, the affirmation of our commitment to uphold the Right to Play for children in in Palestine and refugee camps elsewhere.

This year, we will be returning to the University of Pennsylvania’s Bodeck Lounge in Houston Hall, and we hope you will join us.

Our keynote speaker will be the Fabulous Suad Amiry, author of bestsellers “Sharon And My Mother-In-Law: Ramallah Diaries” and “Nothing To Lose But Your Life”.

Suad was a speaker at the historic TEDxRamallah event.  She resides in Ramallah, where is is also an architect, Found and Director of The Riwaq Centre for Architectural Conservation.  We are delighted and honored to have her as our guest and we look forward to engaging with you at what should be wonderful evening in support of worthwhile endeavors

Thank you, Lauren Tomaszewski!
The community of Wadi Hilwah, Silwan has been working to design and construct a sports/playing field and a playground on two of the last remaining parcels of open land their our village. In cooperation with MECA (Middle East Children’s Alliance and and the Madaa Center, Playgrounds for Palestine is proud to be a part of the effort to put the community’s plans in motion to establish the first playing space in this town of over 55,000 residents.
We are very proud to bring you photos of the first aspect of this project: the sports field, which is being used by teams and individuals of all ages. Click here to read more
All of us at PfP would like extend a HUGE thanks to the Lauren Tomaszewski, a junior at Temple Univeristy, for raising money in support of PfP by running the Philadelphia Marathon in November 2011.
click HERE to read more




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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting

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Enjoy, laugh, play! Our donation is for the children of Palestine in memory of our beloved friend, Marita Boullata.  Marita lived in Palestinian in her early marriage. She championed its land, culture and people, especially children.