Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while.

PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing.

The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning.

The first few days were focused on getting to know each other, consulting with children about what they want to get out of the school, how they want to decorate the space, and assessing their skills and abilities.

It was decided to name the school: Phoenix Elementary. مدرسةالعنقاء

As you can see, the kids were over the moon to be in a classroom after their lives were turned upside down.

Grades 1-4 are focused on Arabic, English, math, and science, while grade 5 (along with anyone in grade 4 who wants) will solely focus on literature, where they will read novels and discuss them with each other and with teachers who will read the novels with them.

In time, we hope to expand offerings for grade 5 and include more students overall.

We don’t do big fund drives here and generally count on our existing supporters and olive oil sales to finance our projects, as we’re an all-volunteer-run organization with a small budget, but this is different and we want to be able to sustain this school and see it grow with more space, more children, and more teachers.

So please give what you can. We’re also interested in ideas from teachers out there who know how to create learning opportunities when there’s next to nothing in the way of materials. Please help us continue by donating to the link below.

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Phoenix Elementary in Gaza

We are excited to announce the launch of an initiative we’ve been working on for a while. PfP established a school in Gaza for grades 1-5. We’re in our third week now of operation and it’s amazing. The school is a mixture of traditional and non-traditional learning. The first few days were focused on getting

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My contribution makes me happy for the cause, and is inspired by my friends, Holly and Scudder, who are getting married.