Join Us for PfP’s Annual Gala | 2018

Dear Friends, Tickets are now available for PfP’s Annual Gala, and we hope you will join us! Saturday, September 22, 2018 | 5PM – 9PM Bodek Lounge | Houston Hall | University of Pennsylvania 3417 SPRUCE STREET | PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 This year’s dinner will be family-style, with a traditional maqloubeh pot and many sides on each table. Of course, vegetarian and/or vegan options will be available. You don’t want to miss the gorgeous items we’ve collected from around the world for our silent auction, and we’re sure you’ll love the entertainment. We also have some very special honorees this year, including Dr Marc Lamont Hill, Reverend Graylan Hagler, Mike & Dr Rob Abel, and others. The fabulous Amer Zahr will be our emcee, and the

Thank You! Annual Gala Recap

All of us at PfP would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended and supported our annual gala this year.  We are grateful to our fabulous and very funny emcee, Amer Zahr, who kept the evening both lighthearted and substantive. Speakers Adam Abel and Kenny Reed spoke at length about the SkateQilya project that PfP continues to fund in order to establish and proliferate skateboarding as a viable sport and recreation activity for youth in Palestine, particularly for girls.  The project was established by Mohammad Othman, who, unfortunately, could not travel from Palestine to be with us, but Adam showed us video footage of him, interviews with the kids benefiting from the project, and action shots of kids on wheels flying in the air.  Salah Ajarma, who came all the way from Palestine, talked to us about Lajee Center, what the playground there has meant to the children of Aida,

Silent Auction Items

We’re so excited about this year’s gala! Our silent auction has been one a staple of all our annual fundraisers and as many of you have often requested that we preview the auction items, we’ve decided to give a sneak peek at some of them, below.

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Movie Nights

The community LOVES movie nights! susan abulhawa brought a projector to Gaza when she went there and it has been a huge hit. PfP staff charge it by day, and by evening, the projector offers a small sense of normalcy and escape for people trying to survive genocide.

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Play, while it cannot change the external realities of children’s lives, can be a vehicle for children to explore and enjoy their differences and similarities and to create, even for a brief time, a more just world where everyone is an equal and valued participant.