December 24, 2016
Dear Friends
Just a note to wish you and your family a Joyful Holiday, and to give you a glimpse of a few things you helped make possible.
On December 2nd in Palestine, PfP dedicated a playground in memory of two young boys, one Palestinian, one African American, whose lives were ended, ultimately, by institutional racism. Rev. Graylan Hagler, who was there with a group of pastors from the United Church of Christ, performed the dedication together with Mr. Salah Ajarma, PfP’s Palestine representative. You can find coverage here.

As a reminder, we remain an all-volunteer organization that operates on what most would call a “shoestring budget”. This is, and has always been, a labor of love for us. And we hope we can count on your continued support.
Please check out our new website and be sure to place your olive oil order for the holidays. Fair Trade Certified Organic Olive Oil from PfP is the perfect holiday gift! 