Some of PfP’s efforts in Gaza

PfP continues to fund relief efforts for children in Gaza. Following a $20,000 donation to the Cairo Red Crescent for medical equipment, PfP has arranged for the distribution of flour, cooking oil, and clothing for children. We are also continuing to sponsor psychological first aid for children who are experiencing unimaginable trauma.

Studies show that early intervention is crucial to long term psychological outcomes, and we’re doing all we can to be a force of healing and sustenance in a time of genocide and nefarious collusion of the rich and powerful against a defenseless Indigenous society.

PfP also supported a kite-making and flying psychological intervention for kids in Rafah. Your support makes meaningful initiatives like these possible. 

And we have been distributing kits in Southern Gaza in collaboration with Al Najat Charity. We remain grateful for all your support during this time.

Free Palestine

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